Computer Design Tools Programming Languages Questions

Q.21 Computer language used on the internet is ?
A Basic
B Cobol
C Java
D Pascal
Ans:- (C) Java
Q.22 A prescribed set of well defined instructions for solving mathematical problems is called ?
A A compiler
B A code
C An algorithm
D  None of these
Ans:- (C) An algorithm
Q.23 Which of the following is a popular programming language for developing multimedia web pages ?
A Cobol
B Java
C Basic
D Assembler
Ans:- (B) Java
Q.24 A graphic presentation of the sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem is called ?
A Program flowchart
B Step chart
C Rule diagram
D Program graph
Ans:- (A) Program flowchart
Q.25 The operating system called UNIX is typically used for ?
A Desktop 
B Laptop
C Super computer
D Web servers 
Ans:- (D) Web servers 
Q.26 C, BASIC, COBOL and JAVA are example of……..language ?
A Low-level
B Computer
C High-level
D All of these
Ans:- (C) High-level
Q.27 A set of rules for telling the computer what operations to performs is called ?
A Procedural language
B Structures
C Natural language
D Programming language 
Ans:- (D) Programming language 
Q.28 A mistake in an algorithm that cause incorrect results is called ?
A Logical error
B Syntax error
C Compiler error
D Machine error
Ans:- (A) Logical error
Q.29 C++ is……?
A An operating system
B A programming language
C A software
D None of these
Ans:- (B) A programming language
Q.30 FORTRAN is not used for ?
A Drawing pictures
B Carrying out mathematics computations
C Only A
D Only B
Ans:- (A) Drawing pictures


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