Computer Operating System Questions

Here we learn about Computer Operating System Questions, all questions are very important for exams. All information provide briefly with MCQ questions pattern and Answer also provided. If you preparing and study about Computer deeply basic to advance then you are on right page because Operating System Questions are a important part of Computer.

Computer Operating System Questions

Q.1 Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal operations in the computer and controls how the computer works well all its parts ?
A Shareware
B Public domain software
C Application software
D Operating system software
Ans:- (D) Operating system software
Q.2 A collections of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called ?
A Operating system
B Computer
C Office
D Compiler
Ans:- (A) Operating system
Q.3 An operating system is a  ?
A Accounting software
B Application software
C System software
D Utility software
Ans:- (C) System software
Q.4 A program in execution is called ?
A Process
B Instruction
C Procedure
D Function
Ans:- (A) Process
Q.5 Grouping and processing all of a firm’s transactions at one time is called ?
A A database management system
B Batch processing
C A real time system
D On time system 
Ans:- (B) Batch processing
Q.6 Operating system that allows only one user to work on a computer ata atime is known as ?
A Single user operating system
B Multiuser operating system
C Single tasking operating system
D Real time operating system
Ans:- (A) Single user operating system
Q.7 ……… is a feature for scheduling and multi-programming to provide an economical interactive system of two or more users ?
A Time sharing
B Multi-sharing
C Time tracing
D None of these
Ans:- (A) Time sharing
Q.8 The simultaneously processing of two or more programs by multiple processors is ?
A Multiprogramming
B Multitasking
C Multiprocessing
D Time sharing
Ans:- (C) Multiprocessing
Q.9 RTOS stand for ?
A Real time operating system
B Reliable time operating system
C Reboot time operating system
D None of these
Ans:- (A) Real time operating system
Q.10 System running more than one process concurrently are called ?
A Multiprocessing
B Multiprogramming
C Real time
D Batch processing 
Ans:- (B) Multiprogramming


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