Computer Microsoft Office Questions

Here we learn about Computer Microsoft Office Questions, all questions are very important for exams. All information provide briefly with MCQ questions pattern and Answer also provided. If you preparing and study about Computer deeply basic to advance then you are on right page because Microsoft Office Questions are a important part of Computer.

Computer Microsoft Office Questions

Q.1 You can use….. to copy selected text and ……. to paste it in a document ?
Ans:- (A) CTRL+C, CTRL+V
Q.2 Numbers in table columns are usuall……..?
A Right-aligned
B Left-aligned
C Justified
D Centered
Ans:- (A) Right-aligned
Q.3 Each box in spreadsheet is called a…..?
A Cell
B Empty space
C Record
D Field
Ans:- (A) Cell
Q.4 A collection of related fields is called ?
A Character 
B Field
C Data base
D Record
Ans:- (C) Data base
Q.5 When a file is saved for the first time…..?
A A copy is automatically printed
B File name and folder name must be the same
C It does not need a name 
D It must be given a name to identify it 
Ans:- (D) It must be given a name to identify it 
Q.6 In which group do we work at the time of text formatting in word ?
A Table, paragraph and indexes
B Paragraph, indexes and sections
C Characters, sections and paragraph
D None of theses
Ans:- (A) Table, paragraph and indexes
Q.7 The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the ?
A Cell location
B Cell position
C Cell address
D Cell contents 
Ans:- (C) Cell address
Q.8 To save an existing file with new name at new location we should use…..command ?
A Save
B Save and replace
C Save as
D New file 
Ans:- (C) Save as
Q.9 Formats that are used to organize business data into rows and columns are called ?
A Registers
B Business forms
C Transaction sheets
D Spreadsheets
Ans:- (D) Spreadsheets
Q.10 In power point, the header and footer button can be found on the insert tab in what group  ?
A Object group 
B Text group
C Tables group
D None of these
Ans:- (B) Text group


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