Personal Computer Questions

Q.21 The motherboard is the ?
A Circuit board that houses peripheral devices
B Same as the CPU chip
C Circuit board that contains a CPU and other chips
D None of these 
Ans:- (C) Circuit board that contains a CPU and other chips
Q.22 Where is the disk put in a computer ?
A In the Modem
B In the hard drive
C Into the CPU
D In the disk drive 
Ans:- (D) In the disk drive 
Q.23 The…….. controls communications for the entire computer system ?
A Arithmetic-logic unit
B Semiconductor
C Motherboard
D Coprocessor
Ans:- (C) Motherboard
Q.24 The system component that controls and manipulates data in order to produce information is called as ?
A Keyboard
B Microprocessor
C Monitor
D Mouse
Ans:- (B) Microprocessor
Q.25 These provide expansion capability for a computer system ?
A Sockets
B Slots
C Bytes
D Bays
Ans:- (B) Slots
Q.26 An example of a processing device would be ?
A A magnetic ink reader
B A tablet PC
C Special function cards
D Scanners
Ans:- (C) Special function cards
Q.27 A…… is hardware used to read disks ?
A Floppy disk
B Hardware
C Software
D Disk drive
Ans:- (D) Disk drive
Q.28 The….. is the box that houses the most important parts of a computer system ?
A Software
B Hardware
C Input device
D System unit
Ans:- (D) System unit
Q.29 An electronic path that connect one part of computer to another is ?
A Logic gate
B Serial port 
C Modem
D Bus
Ans:- (D) Bus
Q.30  What is the full form of USB in computer terminology ?
A User system board
B Unique static base
C Universal serial bus
D Unique systematic bus
Ans:- (D) Universal serial bus


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