Computer Data Communication Networking Questions

Q.41 Which type of network would use phone lines ?
D Wireless
Ans:- (A) WAN
Q.42 In which topology every node is connected to two other nodes ?
A Bus topology
B Ring topology
C Star topology
D Mesh topology
Ans:- (B) Ring topology
Q.43 P2P is a…….Application architecture ?
A Client/server
B Distributed
C Centralised
D None of these
Ans:- (A) Client/server
Q.44 Name of the fourth layer of OSI model ?
A Application layer
B Data link layer
C Transport layer
D Session layer
Ans:- (C) Transport layer
Q.45 In the following list of devices which device is used in network layer ?
A Repeaters
B Router
C Application gateway
D Switch
Ans:- (B) Router
Q.46 In IT networking which of the following device is used in physical layer ?
A Repeater
B Router
C Transport gateway
D Bridge
Ans:- (A) Repeater
Q.47 Multiplexing involves…..path and……channel ?
A One, one
B One, multiple
C Multiple, one
D None of these
Ans:- (B) One, multiple
Q.48 How many bits are there in the ethernet address ?
A 64 bits
B 48 bits
C 32 bits
D 16 bits
Ans:- (B) 48 bits
Q.49 Ethernet uses ?
A Bus topology
B Ring topology
C Mesh topology
D All of these
Ans:- (A) Bus topology
Q.50 In networks, a small message used to pass between  one station to another is known as ?
A Token
B Byte
C Word 
D Ring
Ans:- (A) Token


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