Computer Software Questions

Here we learn about Computer Software Questions, all questions are very important for exams. All information provide briefly with MCQ questions pattern and Answer also provided. If you preparing and study about Computer deeply basic to advance then you are on right page because Computer Software Questions are a important part of Computer.

Computer Software Questions

Q.1 …….is a program which makes easy to use a computer ?
A Operating system
B Application
C Utility
D Network 
Ans:- (C) Utility
Q.2 An error in a program which causes wrong result is called a….. ?
A Bug
B Byte
C Attributes
D Init problem
Ans:- (A) Bug
Q.3 Each component of computer is either…..?
A Hardware or software
B Software or CPU/RAM
C Application software
D None of these
Ans:- (A) Hardware or software
Q.4 …… a process of searching bugs in software ?
A Compiling
B Testing
C Running
D Debugging
Ans:- (D) Debugging
Q.5 The…..tells the computer how to use its components ?
A Utility
B Application
C Operating system
D Network 
Ans:- (A) Utility
Q.6 The transfer of data from a CPU to peripheral devices of computer is achieved through ?
A Modems
B Computer ports
C Interfaces
D Buffer memory 
Ans:- (C) Interfaces
Q.7 Repair for known software bug, which is generally available free of cost on internet is called ?
A Version
B Patch
C Tutorials
Ans:- (B) Patch
Q.8 What is backup ?
A Connect his network to more component
B Copy to save a data from original source to other destination
C Filter an old data from new data
D Access data from tape 
Ans:- (B) Copy to save a data from original source to other destination
Q.9 The……..manual tells you how to use a software program ?
A Documentation
B Programming
C User
D Technical 
Ans:- (C) User
Q.10 The set of instruction which tells a computer what to do is called ?
A Matter
B Instructor
C Compiler
D Program
Ans:- (D) Program


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