Computer Development Architecture Questions

Here we learn about Computer Development Architecture Questions, all questions are very important for exams. All information provide briefly with MCQ questions pattern and Answer also provided. If you preparing and study about Computer Questions deeply so these questions are very helpful for you because Computer Development Architecture are a important part of Computer.

Computer Development Architecture Questions

Q.1 First calculating device is ?
A Clock
B Difference engine
C Abacus
D Calculator
Ans:- (C) Abacus
Q.2 First mechanical calculator was invented by ?
A Joseph Marie Jacquard
B John Mauchley
C Blaise Pascal
D Haward Aiken
Ans:- (C) Blaise Pascal
Q.3 Who invented punch card ?
A Pavrus
B Jacquard
C Pascal
D None of these
Ans:- (D) None of these
Q.4 Computer that was made before 1st generation computer ?
A Mechanical
B Electro mechanical
C Electrical
D All these
Ans:- (C) Electrical
Q.5 Analog computer is ?
A A machine which works on data which is always changeable
B An arithmetic high level languages
C Communicate at low level
D All these
Ans:- (A) A machine which works on data which is always changeable
Q.6 What is laptop ?
A Computer used in clinical laboratory
B Computer made ley compact
C Small, light weight computer which fits in a suitcase
D All of these
Ans:- (D) All of these
Q.7 Super computer is ?
A It processes data of more than one user at a time
B It is a fast and costly computer system
C It is used in large organizations
D All of these  
Ans:- (D) All of these
Q.8 Computer basic architecture was developed by ?
A John Van Neumann
B Charles Babbage
C Blaise Pascal
D Jordan Murn
Ans:- (B) Charles Babbage
Q.9 Characteristic of fifth generation computer is ?
A Used in home
B Artificial intelligence
C Very low cost
D All of these
Ans:- (B) Artificial intelligence
Q.10 A computer portable and easy to carry by travellers is ?
A Super computer
B Laptop
C Mini computer
D File servers 
Ans:- (B) Laptop


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