Computer General Knowledge Questions

Here we learn about Computer General Knowledge Questions, all questions are very important for exams. All information provide briefly with MCQ questions pattern and Answer also provided. If you preparing and study about Computer Questions deeply so these questions are very helpful for you because Computer Development Architecture are a important part of Computer.

Computer General Knowledge Questions

Q.1 What is a computer ?
A Electronic Machine
B Power Machine
C Electric Machine
D All of these
Ans:- (A) Electronic Machine
Q.2 A …… is an electronic device that processes data and converts it into information ?
A Computer
B Processor
C Case
D Styles
Ans:- (A) Computer
Q.3 ……….. is processed in information by computer processor ?
A Number
B Processer
C Input
D Data
Ans:- (D) Data
Q.4 What is ATM ?
A Branch of bank
B Staff counter of bank
C Withdrawal of cash without staff
D All of these
Ans:- (C) Withdrawal of cash without staff
Q.5 Meaning of data processing is  ?
A Collection of data
B Working of computer
C Doing calculation
D Preparing information for business use
Ans:- (D) Preparing information for business use
Q.6 Part of CPU which co-ordinates all functions of computer and other components ?
A Mother board
B Co-ordination board
C Control unit
Ans:- (C) Control unit
Q.7 Data going to computer is called ?
A Operate
B Algorithm
C Input
D Caluclation
Ans:- (C) Input
Q.8 Input is modified inti output by ?
A Peripherals
B Memory
C Storage
Ans:- (D) CPU
Q.9 Which one of these is not a characteristic or a function of computer ?
A Data collection
B Data storage
C Data output
D Data copy
Ans:- (D) Data copy
Q.10 Which is called data in computer ?
A Number
B Symbol
C Information provided
D Information containing number and symbol
Ans:- (D) Information containing number and symbol


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