Computer General Knowledge Questions

Q.11 Information in computer is called ?
A Data
B Number
C Symbol
D Stored data
Ans:- (D) Stored data
Q.12 Which is a part of CPU ?
A Key board
B Printer
C Tape
Ans:- (D) ALU
Q.13 What is E.D.P. ?
A Electronic data part
B Electronic data personal
C Electronic data power
D Electronic data processing
Ans:- (D) Electronic data processing
Q.14 CPU Stand for ?
A Cover processing unit
B Control processing unit
C Central processing unit
D All
Ans:- (C) Central processing unit
Q.15 ALU Stand for ?
A Arithmetic logic unit
B Arithmetic large unit
C Arithmetic long unit
D All
Ans:- (A) Arithmetic logic unit
Q.16 Which of these is CPU ?
A Chip
B Box
C Circuit
D Peripheral
Ans:- (A) Chip
Q.17 Basic operation done by computer is ?
A Arithmetic operation
B Logical operation
C Data storage
D All
Ans:- (D) All
Q.18 ……. is called brain of computer ?
B Monitor
C Modem
D Software 
Ans:- (A) CPU
Q.19 Which of these establishes link between V.D.U. and Keyboard ?
A Printer
B Mouse
D Terminal
Ans:- (C) C.P.U
Q.20 Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing ?
B Control unit
C Disk unit
D Modem 
Ans:- (A) ALU


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