Computer General Knowledge Questions

Q.31 Main components of CPU is ?
A Control unit
B Memory
D All
Ans:- (D) All
Q.32 Processed data of computer is called ?
A Input
B Output
C Process
D All
Ans:- (B) Output
Q.33 Function of CPU ?
A Control input and output device
B Immediate storage of data
C Read the instruction and give command
D All
Ans:- (D) All
Q.34 What is output ?
A Which is taken by user to processor
B Which is get to processer by user
C Which is get to user from processor
D Which is get to processor by user
Ans:- (C) Which is get to user from processor
Q.35 Part of computer which does addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and comparison ?
B Memory
D Control
Ans:- (A) ALU
Q.36 General mathematical operations perform for CPU is ?
D Register 
Ans:- (A) ALU
Q.37 The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into…?
A Files
B Tables
C Information
D Graphs
Ans:- (C) Information
Q.38 The information you put into the computer is called ?
A Facts
B Data
C Files
D Directory
Ans:- (B) Data
Q.39 Processing involves ?
A Inputting data into a computer system
B Transforming input into output
C Displaying output is a useful manner
D Providing relevant answer
Ans:- (B) Transforming input into output
Q.40 Input, output and processing devices grouped together represent ?
A Mobile devices
B Information processing cycle
C Circuit board
D Computer system
Ans:- (D) Computer system


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