Computer Internet Questions

Here we learn about Computer Internet Questions, all questions are very important for exams. All information provide briefly with MCQ questions pattern and Answer also provided. If you preparing and study about Computer deeply basic to advance then you are on right page because Internet Questions are a important part of Computer.

Computer Internet Questions

Q.1 A word on a web page which opens other document when clicks on it is a…..?
A Anchor
B Hyper link
C Reference
Ans:- (B) Hyper link
Q.2 Which of the following is a example of continuity ?
A Internet
B Floppy disk
C Power card
D Data
Ans:- (A) Internet
Q.3 When sending an e-mail, the…..line describe the contents of the message ?
A Subject
B To
C Contents
Ans:- (A) Subject
Q.4 Specialized programs that assist users in locating information on the web are called ?
A Information engines
B Locator engines
C Web browsers
D Search engines
Ans:- (D) Search engines
Q.5 Unsolicited e-mail is called a…..?
A Newsgroup
B Usenet
C Backbane
D Spam
Ans:- (D) Spam
Q.6 What is an E-mail attachment ?
A A receipt sent by the recipient
B A separate document from another program sent along with and E-mai message 
C A malicious parasite that feeds off of your messages and destroys the contents 
D A list of CC: or BCC: recipients 
Ans:- (B) A separate document from another program sent along with and E-mai message 
Q.7 Which of the following must be contained in a URL ?
A A protocol identifier 
B The letter, WWW.
C The unique registered domain name
D A protocol identifier, WWW. and the unique registered domain name 
Ans:- (D) A protocol identifier, WWW. and the unique registered domain name 
Q.8 WWW uses……protocol ?
Ans:- (B) HTTP
Q.9 A website main page is called its…….?
A Home page
B Browser page
C Search page
D Bookmark
Ans:- (A) Home page
Q.10 Which of the following cannot be part of an email address ?
A Period(.)
B At sign(@)
C Space()
D Underscore(_)
Ans:- (C) Space()


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