Computer Internet Questions

Q.11 Inventor of WWW is……….?
A Bill Gates
B Lee. N. Feyong
C N. Resscl
D Tim Berners Lee
Ans:- (D) Tim Berners Lee
Q.12 Which of the following is not termof of information technology ?
A Cyber space
B Upload
C Light storage
D Modem
Ans:- (C) Light storage
Q.13 Spam is related to ?
A Computer
B Art
C Music
D Game
Ans:- (A) Computer
Q.14 Which of the following is not defined in information technology ?
A Login
B Modem
C Password
D Pinaca
Ans:- (D) Pinaca
Q.15 Passwords enables users to…….?
A Get into the system quickly
B Make efficient use of time
C Retain confidentiality of files
D Simplify file structure
Ans:- (C) Retain confidentiality of files
Q.16 What is an e-mail ?
A An internet standard, which allow users to upload and download files 
B Transmission of files and messages through computer network
C A real time typed conversation
D None of these
Ans:- (B) Transmission of files and messages through computer network
Q.17 A chat is ?
A An internet standard, which allow users to upload and download files 
B Transmission of files and messages through computer network
C A real time typed conversation
D None of these
Ans:- (C) A real time typed conversation
Q.18 Secret code that restricts entry in the same program is ?
A Password
B Passport
C Entry code
D Access code
Ans:- (A) Password
Q.19 Sending an e-mail is like a……?
A Creating an image of any event
B Telling a story
C Writing a letter
D Creating an image
Ans:- (C) Writing a letter
Q.20 IT stand for ?
A Information technology
B Integrated technology
C Intelligent technology
D Interesting technology 
Ans:- (A) Information technology


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