Computer Internet Questions

Q.21 The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the internet is known as ?
A Pulling
B Pasting
C Downloading
D Transforming
Ans:- (C) Downloading
Q.22 E-commerce allows companies to ?
A Issue important business reports
B Conduct business over the internet
C Support decision making process
D None of these
Ans:- (B) Conduct business over the internet
Q.23 Junk e-mail is also called ?
A Spam
B Spoof
C Spool
D Sniffer script
Ans:- (A) Spam
Q.24 The internet allows you to ?
A Send e-mail
B View web pages
C Connect to servers all around the world
D All of the above
Ans:- (D) All of the above
Q.25 A program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to infect computers is called ?
A Disease
B Tarpedo
C Hurricave
D Virus
Ans:- (D) Virus
Q.26 What is the most common way to get a virus in your computer hard disk ?
A By installing games from CD ROMs
B By opening e-mails
C By uploading pictures from mobile to the computers
D By sending e-mail
Ans:- (B) By opening e-mails
Q.27 Marketing of internet banking means ?
A Meeting of banks on the net
B Marketing the usage of banking transactions through internet 
C Transactions with forcing countries
D None of these
Ans:- (B) Marketing the usage of banking transactions through internet 
Q.28 …….are devices used to transmit data over telecommunications lines ?
A Drives
B Drive bays
C Modems
D Platform
Ans:- (C) Modems
Q.29 Most websites have a main page, the….. which acts as a doorway to the rest of the website pages ?
A Search engine
B Home page
C Browser
Ans:- (B) Home page
Q.30 WWW stands for ?
A World work web
B Wide work web
C Wide world web
D World wide web
Ans:- (D) World wide web


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