Computer Internet Questions

Q.71 Which one of the following is an example of a web browser  ?
A Opera
B Sate works
C Google apps
D Odilla 
Ans:- (A) Opera
Q.72 ICMP is used for ?
A Addressing
B Forwarding
C Multicasting
D Error reporting 
Ans:- (D) Error reporting 
Q.73 URL stands for ?
A Universal resource locator
B Universal resource locator
C Uniform resource locator
D United resource locator
Ans:- (C) Uniform resource locator
Q.74 E-mail stands for ?
A Electrical mail
B Electronic mail
C Elastic mail
D None of these
Ans:- (B) Electronic mail
Q.75 The internet was originally developed by which of the following ?
A By computer hackers
B By corporation
C By US department of defence
D By university of Michigan
Ans:- (C) By US department of defence
Q.76 An IP address is…..bit number ?
A 8
B 32
C 64
D 104
Ans:- (B) 32
Q.77 In computer terminology, what is the full form of FTP ?
A Final transfer position
B File transfer position
C File transfer packet
D File transfer protocol 
Ans:- (B) File transfer position
Q.78 What is the full form of ISDN ?
A International service digital network 
B Indian service digital network
C Integrated service digital network
D Internal service digital network
Ans:- (C) Integrated service digital network
Q.79 The attribute…specifies (in pixels) the distance between two adjacent cells ?
A Width
B Height
C Cellpadding
D Cellspacing
Ans:- (D) Cellspacing
Q.80 An HTTP request contains….parts  ?
A 1
B 5
C 3
D 4
Ans:- (C) 3


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