Computer Microsoft Office Questions

Q.31 You can start Microsoft wprd by using……..button ?
A New
B Start
C Program
D Control panel
Ans:- (B) Start
Q.32 In excel, charts are created using which option ?
A Chart wizard
B Pivot table
C Pie chart
D Bar chart 
Ans:- (A) Chart wizard
Q.33 In page preview mode…….?
A You can see all pages of your document 
B You can only see the pages you are currently working on 
C You can only see the title page of your document 
D None of these
Ans:- (A) You can see all pages of your document 
Q.34 File extensions are used i n order to………?
A Name the file
B Identify the file
C Identify the file type
D None of these
Ans:- (C) Identify the file type
Q.35 Which elements of a word document can be displayed in colour ?
A Only graphics
B Only text
C All elements
D None of these
Ans:- (C) All elements
Q.36 A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a ?
A Disk
B Data
C File
D Floppy
Ans:- (C) File
Q.37 MS-Word is an example of ?
A An operating system 
B A processing device
C Application software
D An input device 
Ans:- (C) Application software
Q.38 The blinking point which shows your position in the text is called ?
A Blinker
B Cursor
C Causer
D Pointer
Ans:- (B) Cursor
Q.39 Which application is commonly used to prepare a presentation / slide show ?
A Photoshop
B Pwoer Point
C Outlool express
D Internet explorer
Ans:- (B) Pwoer Point
Q.40 The quickest and easiest way in word, to locate a particular word or phrase in a document is to use the command ?
A Replace
B Find
C Lookup
D Search
Ans:- (B) Find


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