Computer Security Questions

Here we learn about Computer Security Questions, all questions are very important for exams. All information provide briefly with MCQ questions pattern and Answer also provided. If you preparing and study about Computer deeply basic to advance then you are on right page because Computer Security Questions are a important part of Computer.

 Computer Security Questions

Q.1 ……. is a branch of information technology known as information security ?
A Computer security
B Cyber security
C IT security
D All of these
Ans:- (D) All of these
Q.2 Verification of a login name and password is known as ?
A Configuration
B Accessibility
C Authentication
D Logging in
Ans:- (C) Authentication
Q.3 If you are allowing a person on the network based on the credentials to maintain the security of your network, then this act refers to the process of ?
A Authentication
B Automation
C Firewall
D Encryption
Ans:- (A) Authentication
Q.4 A malware is an ?
A Program
B Hardware
C A person
D None of these
Ans:- (A) Program
Q.5 Cracked software’s are another source of ?
A E-mail attack
B Virus attack
C Trojan horse
D All of these
Ans:- (C) Virus attack
Q.6 Software’s such as viruses, worms and trojan horses that have a mailicious content is known as ?
A Malicious software (malware)
B Adware
C Scareware
D Firewall
Ans:- (A) Malicious software (malware)
Q.7 Viruses, trojan horses and worms are ?
A Able to harm computer system
B Unable to detect if present on computer
C User friendly applications
D None of these 
Ans:- (A) Able to harm computer system
Q.8 A computer virus is ?
A Deliberately created
B Created accidently
C Produced as result of some program error
D All of the above 
Ans:- (A) Deliberately created
Q.9 …… are often delivered to a PC through an mail attachment and are often designed to do harm ?
A Portals
B Spam
C Viruses
D E-mail messages 
Ans:- (C) Viruses
Q.10 Which of the following refers to dangerous programs that can be caught of opening E-mail attachment and downloading software from the internet ?
A Utility
B Virus
C Honey pot
D Spam
Ans:- (B) Virus


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