Computer Security Questions

Q.11 A program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to infect other computers is called ?
A Disease 
B Torpedo
C Hurricane
D Virus
Ans:- (D) Virus
Q.12 If your computer rebooting itself then it is likely that ?
A It has a virus
B It does not have enough memory 
C There is no printer
D There has been a power surge 
Ans:- (A) It has a virus
Q.13 Computer virus is ?
A A hardware
B Window tool 
C A computer program
D A system software 
Ans:- (C) A computer program
Q.14 The first PC virus was developed in ?
A 1980
B 1984
C 1986
D 1988
Ans:- (C) 1986
Q.15 The ….. of a threat measures its potential impact on a system ?
A Vulnerabilities
B Counter measures 
C Degree of harm
D Susceptibility
Ans:- (C) Degree of harm
Q.16 A computer virus normally attaches itself to another computer program known as ?
A Host program
B Target program
C Backdoor program
D Trojan horse 
Ans:- (D) Trojan horse 
Q.17 Attempt to gain unauthorized access to a user system or information by pretending to be the user  ?
A Spoofing
B Hacker
C Cracker
D Phishing 
Ans:- (A) Spoofing
Q.18 Which of the following enables to determine how often a user visited a website ?
A Hacker
B Spammer
C Phish
D Identify theft 
Ans:- (A) Hacker
Q.19 A person who uses his expertise for software ?
A Spammer
B Hacker
C Instant messenger
D None of these 
Ans:- (B) Hacker
Q.20 What is a person called who uses a computer to cause harm to people or destroy critical systems ?
A Cyber terrorist
B Black hat hacker
C Cyber cracker
D Hacktivist 
Ans:- (C) Cyber cracker


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