Computer Input Output Devices Questions

Q.31 Codes consisting of bars or lines of varying widths or lengths that are computer readable are known as ?
A A magnetic tape
B An OCR scanner
C A bar code
D None of these
Ans:- (C) A bar code
Q.32 Which type of device is the computer monitor ?
A Input
B Output
C Processing
D Software
Ans:- (B) Output
Q.33 Which of these keys is not on the number kaypad ?
A Ctrl
B Del
C Enter
D Num Lock
Ans:- (A) Ctrl
Q.34 The primary output device for computer is a ……?
A Video monitor
B Printer
C Keyboard
D Mouse
Ans:- (A) Video monitor
Q.35 ……..provides the means to move the pointer on the screen and give information to the computer by clicking its buttons ?
A Scanner 
B Mouse
C Keyboard
D Program
Ans:- (B) Mouse
Q.36 Soft copy refers to …….?
A Printed output
B Music sounds
C Screen output
D Digitizing
Ans:- (C) Screen output
Q.37 Why is the Caps Lock key referred to as a toggle key ?
A Because its function goes back and forth every time it is pressed
B Because it cannot be used for entering numbers
C Because it cannot be used to delete
D None of these
Ans:- (A) Because its function goes back and forth every time it is pressed
Q.38 One puts information into the computer by pressing this key ?
A Caps lock
B Tab
C Enter
D Esc
Ans:- (C) Enter
Q.39 The key that must be pressed each time a new command or information is entered ?
A Esc
B Return / Enter
C Delete
D Home
Ans:- (B) Return / Enter
Q.40 What term is used to describe using the mouse to move an item on the screen to a new location ?
A Click
B Double-click
C Drag and drop
D Point
Ans:- (C) Drag and drop


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