Computer Software Questions

Q.21 When you turn on the computer the boot routine will perform this test ?
A RAM test
B Disk drive test
C Memory test
D Power-on-self-test
Ans:- (D) Power-on-self-test
Q.22 After turn on computer light the process of start is called ?
A Application
B System
C Bootstrap
D Strap
Ans:- (C) Bootstrap
Q.23 What is correcting errors in a program called ?
A Compiling
B Debugging
C Grinding
D Interpreting
Ans:- (B) Debugging
Q.24 A compiler translates a program written in a high level language into ?
A Machine language
B An algorithm
C Java
D None of these
Ans:- (A) Machine language
Q.25 This can be another word for program ?
A Software
B Disk
C Floppy
D Hardware
Ans:- (A) Software
Q.26 The person who writes and test computer program is called a ?
A Programmer
B Computer scientist
C Software engineer
D Project developer 
Ans:- (A) Programmer
Q.27 Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel ?
A Hardware
B Software
C Programs
D Output
Ans:- (A) Hardware
Q.28 What happens when you boot up a PC ?
A Portions of the operating system are copied from disk into memory
B Portions of the operating system are copied from memory onto disk
C Portions of the operating system are emulated
D The PC gets switched off
Ans:- (A) Portions of the operating system are copied from disk into memory
Q.29 Copying computer program or software without permission of its author is called ?
A Highway robbery
B Larceny
C Software piracy
D None of these
Ans:- (C) Software piracy
Q.30 Peripheral devices such as printer and monitors are considered to be ?
A Hardware
B Software
C Data
D Information
Ans:- (A) Hardware


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